Friday, January 31, 2020
Work Family Conflict Essay Example for Free
Work Family Conflict Essay Consequences Associated With Work-to-Family Conflict: A Review and Agenda for Future Research Tammy D. Allen, David E. L. Herst, Carly S. Bruck, and Martha Sutton University of South Florida A comprehensive review of the outcomes associated with work-to-family conflict was conducted and effect sizes were estimated. A typology was presented that grouped outcomes into 3 categories: work related, nonwork related, and stress related. Issues concerning the measurement of workfamily conflict were also discussed. The results demonstrate the widespread and serious consequences associated with work-to-family conflict. On the basis of the results of the review, an agenda for future research was provided. Striking changes in the nature of families and the workforce, such as more dual-career couples and rising numbers of working mothers with young children, have increased the likelihood that employees of both genders have substantial household responsibilities in addition to their work responsibilities (Bond, Galinsky, Swanberg, 1998; Gilbert, Hallett, Eldridge, 1994). These radical changes have prompted considerable research related to work and family issues. The topic of work-family conflict has been of particular conflict interest. Recent research indicates that 40% of employed parents experience work-family at least some of the time 1993). Moreover, (Galinsky, Bond, Friedman, Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek, and Rosenthal (1964) suggested that work-family conflict is a type of interrole conflict in which role pressures from the work and family domains are mutually incompatible to some degree. That is, work-family conflict occurs when demands associated with one domain are Kopelman, incompatible with demands associated with the other domain (Greenhaus Buetell, 1985; Greenhaus, Connolly, 1983). Although early research treated work-family conflict primarily as a unidimensional construct, recent research (Frone, Russell, Cooper, 1992) suggests that it is reciprocal in nature, in that work can interfere with family (work-to-family conflict; WFC) and family can interfere with work (family-to-work conflict; FWC). WFC and FWC are generally considered distinct but related constructs. Research to date has primarily investigated how work interferes or conflicts with family. Outcomes associated with excessive work interference with family include job dissatisfaction, job burnout, turnover, depression, life dissatisfaction, and marital dissatisfaction (e.g., Adams, King, King, 19%; R. J. Burke, 1988; Frone et al., 1992; Greenhaus Beutell, 1985; Netemeyer, Boles, McMurrain, 1996; Thomas Ganster, 1995). Despite the rapidly growing body of literature examining WFC, few efforts have been made to review empirical findings. Over a decade ago, Greenhaus and Beutell (1985) reviewed the studies that had investigated sources or antecedents of WFC. More recently, Kossek and Ozeki (1998) conducted a meta-analysis examining the relationship between WFC and two specific outcomes: job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Kossek and Ozekis work was much needed and an informative addition to the literature. However, there are many additional outcome variables that have been empirically related to WFC that were not included in Kossek and Ozekis study. The Galinsky et al. reported that workers who started a new job within the past 2 years stated that the effect of the job on family life was second in importance to open communications when formulating their decision to accept the job. Likewise, Galinsky, Johnson, and Friedman (1993) cited a study conducted by the New York Times indicating that 83% of working mothers and 72% of working fathers reported experiencing conflict between their job demands and their desire to spend more time with their families. These findings underscore the importance of the topic of work-family conflict to both organizations and employees. Tammy D. Allen, David E. L. Herst, Carly S. Bruck, and Martha Sutton, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida. Aprevious version of this article was presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia. We thank Mark L. Poteet, Lillian T. Eby, and Paul E. Specter for their helpful comments regarding various aspects of this article. Correspondence concerning this article should he addressed to Tammy D. Allen, University of South Florida, Department of Psychology, 4202 East Fowler Avenue, BEH 339, Tampa, Florida 33620-8200. Electronic mail may he sent to [emailprotected] purpose of the present article is to fill this void in the literature. This review provides a comprehensive summary and evaluation of empirical research of the outcomes associated with WFC, including an organizing framework and suggestions for future research. An extensive review is needed for several reasons, One area of concern is the l imited amount of integration in the field. The work and family research arena is fractionated because of diverse types of individuals working in it. For example, individuals working in disciplines such as psychology, sociology, business, and social work have contributed to work and family research. This tends to lead to an emphasis on different issues (e.g., sociologists are more concerned with family-related outcomes, whereas organizational psychologists are more concerned with work-related outcomes) without an examination of similar work in other disciplines. As noted by Russell (1991), implications associated with fractionation and isolation are that progress in research and practice is not systematic or integrated. Separate, disjointed theories may develop across fields as a result. This limits the progress that could be made by taking a broader, more integrative perspective that builds on previous research. By providing a summary of existing research organized under one framework, we hope that researchers from various disciplines will become more familiar with one anothers work, facilitating the integration of findings from various subfields and subsequent theory building. Additionally, a comprehensive review of the area should help clarify and underscore the widespread negative effects of WFC. A better understanding of these effects might aid in efforts to manage the work and family interface. Moreover, highlighting the dysfunctional and socially costly effects associated with WFC may help convince policymakers of the need to provide interventions that can help mitigate WFC. For clarity and parsimony, our article is restricted to a review of the outcomes associated with work-tofamily conflict (WFC). In some cases, results were reported in which researchers combined WFC with FWC or asked about work and family conflict in general. Those cases are noted in the review. This review is divided into four major sections. First, the criteria used to identify articles for the review and to conduct statistical analyses are briefly described. Second, we examine issues concerning the measurement of WFC. Third, we present the results of our review for the three categories of outcomes followed by a summary and suggestions for additional research for each. Finally, a general discussion of findings and future research are provided. Method Relevant articles were identified through manual and computer searches. Computerized searches were conducted through PsycLJT and OVID information bases using the key words work and family conflict.11 A manual search was conducted of all articles published from 1977 through 1998 in Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Marriage and the Family, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision-Making Processes, and Academy of Management Journal. Additionally, the reference list of each identified article was manually cross-checked for other potential articles. Attempts were also made to locate articles that used slightly different terms such as interrole conflict and multiple role stress1 to refer to WFC. Our criteria for inclusion in the review were twofold. One, WFC had to be a quantitatively measured variable in the study. Thus, we eliminated articles that were not empirical. Two, the study had to measure the relations hip between WFC and one or more variables that could theoretically be considered outcomes of WFC. This eliminated articles that focused solely on sources or antecedents of WFC. It should be noted at this point that the majority of studies in the work and family arena have been cross-sectional in nature, precluding firm causal inferences regarding the direction of the relationships studied. For the purposes of the present review, we included variables that seemed more reasonable or plausible as outcomes of WFC rather than as causes. It is not our intention to infer that reverse causality is not feasible. A total of 67 articles were located that fit these criteria. Statements regarding significance are based on the zeroorder bivariate correlation between WFC and the outcome variable reported in each study. Except where noted otherwise, relationships cited in text are in the expected direction (e.g., greater WFC was associated with less job satisfaction). Figure 1 provides a framework of the variables included in the study. To provide an estimate of the effect size associated with each of the relationships reviewed, we followed meta-analytic procedures described in Rosenthal (1991). Both unweighted and weighted by sample size average correlations were computed. Only studies that included a zero-order bivariate correlation between WFC and another variable were included in these analyses. In circumstances in which a study involved a sample that was a subset of the same sample used in another study, the study with the largest sample was included in die analysis. An exception was made if sample selection criteria were clearly different. If a study assessed several specific indices of WFC (conflict between parent and worker and conflict between spouse and worker) these were combined to form a general assessment of WFC. A similar approach was used in analyzing several outcome variables. For example, if a .study examined overall mental health and psychological distress, the correlations were combined for the statistical analyses. In studies in which separate correlations were reported for different subgroups (e.g., male vs. female; single-earner vs. dual-earner), the correlation for each subgroup was weighted by sample size and combined. For consistency purposes, we reversed the sign of the correlation in cases such as when a high score on the WFC measure.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Eating Disorders Essay -- Anorexia Bulimia Health Diet Essays Papers
Eating Disorders      A vast amount of research has been done on the subject of eating disorders and their causes. Many eating disorders have been proven to emerge during adolescence and often serve as the foundations to more serious problems like anorexia and bulimia. This essay will explore the development of eating disorders in adolescent girls. It will show that these disorders are closely connected to the biological and psychosocial changes that occur during the adolescent period.      Many teen girls suffer with anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder in which girls use starvation diets to try to lose weight. They starve themselves down to skeletal thinness yet still think that they are overweight. Bulimia, meanwhile, is a disorder in which young women binge on food and then force themselves to vomit. They also often use laxatives to get food out of their system. All of these young women who suffer from this problem are considered to suffer from a psychiatric disorder. While the causes are debatable, one thing that is clear is that these young women have a distorted body image. (Wolf, pp.214-216)      What is extremely alarming is that the current thin ideal for women in Western society, which is unattainable for all but a very small percentage of the population, is compounding this problem. It is a very serious issue when someone's body shape is determined by genetic disposition and yet they try to alter it to fit some kind of imaginary ideal of how a person should look.      Thus, one of the most serious problems is that female nature is not what society says it should be. Some researchers theorize that anorexia is a young woman's way of canceling puberty. Since they lack body fat, anorexics don't get their periods and often lose their sexual characteristics such as public hair. They remain, in other words, little girls. There is also the complex issue of women feeling that by having an eating disorder they are finally in control of something in their life. This may sound strange, but much research has shown that women who have been abused or neglected in their childhoods develop these problems of control. (Attie and Brooks-Gun, pp.70-71).      Studies suggest that eating disorders often begin in early to mid-adolescence. They are directly connected to pubertal maturation and the increases in body fat that... ...hing else, we need to find compassion and understanding for the victims of eating disorders. While we work on helping these individuals, we must also fight the social forces that objectify and exploit female body image to the disadvantage of not only women, but of all humanity. No one profits if one half of the human race is being held under attack by socially constructed body images that are rooted in morbid intent and infantile fantasy. Bibliography Attie, Ilana and Brooks-Gunn, J. "Development of Eating Problems in Adolescent Girls: A Longitudinal Study," Developmental Psychology, 1989, vol. 25, no.1, 7O-79. Burns, David. Feeling Good. The New Mood Therapy (New York: Avon Books, 1980) Cauffman, Elizabeth, and Steinberg, Laurence. "Interactive Effects of Menarcheal Status and Dating on Dieting and Disordered Eating Among Adolescent Girls," Developmental Psychology, 1996, vol. 32, no.4, 631-635. Graber, Julia, Brooks-Gunn, J., Paikoff, Roberta, and Warren, Michelle. "Prediction of Eating Problems: An 8-Year Study of Adolescent Girls," Developmental Psychology, 1994, vol.3O, No.6, 823-834. Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth (Toronto: Random House, 1991)
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Board of Directors
Describe at least six recommendations that you would make to improve the effectiveness of today's boards of directors. 1 I would require the board of directors degree of Involvement In strategic management be active participation (approves, questions and makes final decisions on mission, strategy, policies and objectives) or be that of a catalyst (takes the leading role In establishing and modifying the mission, objectives, strategies and polices).This would ensure that the board of directors takes a hands on approach (Wheeled, p. 47). 2 I would require the board of directors to set corporate strategy, overall direction, Nilsson or vision for the company. This needs to come from the board of directors. They need to set the standard. 3 I would make the board of directors responsible for the hiring and firing of the CEO and top management. This is an important role and must be mandated from the board of directors. Keeping the right CEO in position and keeping top management in place is extremely important (Wheeled, p. 45). 4I would make the board of directors responsible for controlling, monitoring, or supervising top management (Wheeled, p. 45). The guidance that the board of directors provides is much needed and top management will follow the boards lead. 5 Corporations inside the united States usually have 2 insiders and 8 outsiders that make up the board of directors (Wheeled, p. 48). I would have at least 5 insiders and 5 outsiders make up the board of directors. This would make the makeup of the board of directors more even. 6 Of the 5 insiders, I would allow 2 of them to be company employees that sit on the road of directors.These employees can bring an inside look at what is happening from the employees point of view to the board. Of these six suggestions, I would select number 1 as the most important. I would require the board of directors degree of Involvement In strategic management be active participation (approves, questions and makes final decisions on mission, strategy, policies and objectives) or be that of a catalyst (takes the leading role In establishing and modifying the mission, objectives, strategies and policies). This loud ensure that the board of directors takes a hands on approach.Board of Directors By bias]Nanette I would require the board of directors degree of involvement in strategic role in establishing and modifying the mission, objectives, strategies and policies). Mission or vision for the company. This needs to come from the board of directors. Corporations inside the United States usually have 2 insiders and 8 outsiders that require the board of directors degree of involvement in strategic management be strategy, policies and objectives) or be that of a catalyst (takes the leading role in
Monday, January 6, 2020
The Belgian Congo, as Zaire and now the Democratic...
The Belgian Congo, as Zaire and now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, were formerly called was the creation of King Leopold of Belgium who desperately wanted a colony. By the late 19th century there was little land left for the taking except in Africa and it had become obvious that taking over independent lands was neither wise nor practical. King Leopold II, King of the Belgians, was a man of enormous appetites both for land and foodâ€â€he once ate two whole pheasants at a restaurant in Paris, and it was not unusual for him to order several entrees. His colony was 75 times larger than Belgium. Stanley’s explorations in Africa were becoming well known and sensational, and Leopold carefully wooed him into striking a bargain--Stanley†¦show more content†¦Any resistance to the country’s plunder was met with strong measures. Failing to meet quotas was a capital offense. Hands of dead Congolese were cut off and kept in storage to account for expended ammunition, although often the natives were killed just for sport. It has been estimated that 50% of the population died between the 1870’s and 1919, approximately 10 million people were killed most often from sickness and starvation. Leopold was a genius at public relations and he knew how to accumulate supporters in other countries through flattery and marketing. Civilization and suppression of the slave trade were words often used to describe his motives He insisted he wanted to create a free state similar to Liberia, an idea that appealed to American white racists who were still looking for places to export America’s blacks. John Tyler Morgan, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Henry Shelton Sanford, wealthy Florida orange planter and strong supporter of President Chester A. Arthur, were easily Manipulated by the King into gaining American support for his efforts. Reading this book reinforced my view that, as a society, our values and standards are far superior to those of the nineteenth century. The discovery of rubber and its immense number of uses for an increasingly industrial society made it a valuable commodity that would make Leopold immensely rich. He did so on the backs of the black population of the Congo.Show MoreRelatedNotes18856 Words  | 76 Pagessince the advent of independence has been blamed on the legacies of colonialism. Is that fair? Virtually all colonial powers had â€Å"colonial missions.†What were these missions and why were they apparently such a disaster? Did any good come out of the African â€Å"colonial experience†? Introduction Colonization of Africa by European countries was a monumental milestone in  the development of Africa. The Africans consider the impact of colonization  on them to be perhaps the most important factorRead MoreRwanda s Divided History : Rwanda2233 Words  | 9 PagesApartheid in South Africa, the genocide in Rwanda was not a random event. It was instead the result of generations of discrimination and abuse based on ethnic groups. In the early 19th century during Rwanda’s colonial period, there already existed a divide between the elite Tutsi cattle herders and the majority of the population who were peasant farmers, known as Hutu.[i] In 1918, Rwanda came under Belgian control, â€Å"during which the ruling Belgians favored the minority Tutsis over the Hutus, exacerbatingRead MoreBlood Diamond Research7747 Words  | 31 Pages elegance, love, and power. Centuries ago, they were also a symbol of courage, invincibility and strength. What is less commonly known is that these stones are also a symbol of terror and death. Conflicts arise from the mining of these gems; many people have died and many are perhaps still dying beca use of the mining of these precious stones. The Discovery of Diamonds Although the exact date in unclear, the first diamond discovery in Africa was sometime between late 1866 and early 1867. The discovery
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